Speech by Chairman Chukotka at the Group’s 10th Anniversary Celebration and 2023 Annual Summary and

2024-01-12 15:35:47
Chu Keqi, Chairman of Henan Rongsheng Technology Group, delivered a speech at the conference. His passionate and inspiring speech aroused enthusiastic responses among the guests and employees. The full text of the "Address" is now released as follows.

Dear Chairman Chen, distinguished leaders, guests, colleagues, friends, ladies and gentlemen:

good afternoon everyone!

Seasons do not exist, and everything is in order. At this beautiful moment when the year is changing and everything is renewed, we gather together to review the glorious history of Henan Rongsheng Technology Group for ten years and look forward to the bright prospects of prosperous development in the new era and new journey. Here, on behalf of Rongsheng Technology Group, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all the leaders and guests attending today’s event! I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to friends from all walks of life who care about and support the development of the group! I would like to express my sincere greetings to all the employees and their families who are working hard in various positions!

Time is the greatest writer and the most faithful witness. Looking back at the year 2013, when the company was founded, was the time when the national cross-border e-commerce service pilot was fully launched. The rising tide from the East activated a pool of spring water, and cross-border trade ushered in the spring of vigorous development. With a new starting point and new hope, Rongsheng people, with their firm will to pursue excellence and overcome difficulties, innovate and change, and work hard to promote the group from a single domestic trade business at the beginning of its establishment to a company integrating refractory research and development, production and manufacturing, Engineering construction and technical services are integrated into a comprehensive enterprise, forming an industrial pattern in which domestic trade, foreign trade, and engineering promote each other and develop collaboratively.

Looking back on the past and the prosperous years, we have always adhered to the innovative spirit of daring to be the first. In the early days of Jululanlu, we grew from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong; during the booming development period, we expanded our business scope to 32 provinces and cities in China, and exported our products to 105 countries and regions around the world. Looking back at Rongsheng's continuous development and growth, one distinctive feature remains consistent, that is, the innovative spirit of daring to be the first. Only reformers advance, and only innovators are strong. It is by relying on unswerving innovation that we can continue to respond to challenges, constantly surpass ourselves, and achieve leaps and bounds.

To show our youth and work hard, we always adhere to the team spirit of sharing weal and woe. In the past ten years, what has changed is that the company has become larger and larger, the brand has become more famous, and the living standards and happiness of Rongsheng people have continued to improve; what remains unchanged is our consistent and unremitting struggle, and our low-key, honest, and humble spirit. Our character and way of doing things make our team full of cohesion and combat effectiveness. Gather those who strive for success and inspire those who are promising. I believe that with our rock-solid and motivated team, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome and no goal that cannot be achieved.
We look forward to the future and work hard. We always adhere to the corporate character of symbiosis and win-win. Over the past ten years, we have always adhered to the principle of "walking the world with integrity and speaking with strength", which has allowed us to stand out in the fierce market competition. Over the past ten years, we have adhered to altruistic symbiosis, mutual benefit and win-win, and collaborated with partners with an open source mentality to jointly create value and achieve value sharing. Corporate character is the spiritual wealth of every Rongsheng employee. Adhering to a consistent corporate character is the greatest guarantee for Rongsheng to achieve steady progress and create greater glory.
"It seems ordinary and the most amazing thing, but it is easy but difficult to achieve." Along the way, we have had many successes and honors, as well as many ups and downs and hardships. Such achievements are hard-won and require the wisdom and hard work of all Rongsheng people. At this moment, I have thousands of words to express and I don’t know where to put them. I can only be moved, grateful and thankful from the bottom of my heart!

First of all, thank you to the party and the country. In the ten years since its establishment, Rongsheng has been riding on the east wind of cross-border trade. Every step of its growth is inseparable from the support of party and state policies and the good environment created by the party and state for enterprise development. The history of Rongsheng's development and growth has been deeply integrated into the history of the development and growth of the entire country's private economy.

Secondly, be grateful to your employees. Your selfless spirit of bravely shouldering heavy responsibilities and willingness to contribute, your fearless spirit of traveling through mountains and rivers and overcoming obstacles, and your unswerving and indomitable tenacious will have promoted the rapid development of the group. Your achievements will always be remembered in the history of prosperity and development!

Again, thank you customers. I am grateful to our cooperative customers who still firmly choose Rongsheng in the changing market environment, never come for fame, and never leave because of difficulties. Your trust and support are the eternal beacon on our ship, leading us through the waves of the commercial sea and reaching the other side of success.

Finally, I would also like to thank leaders at all levels, partners and people from all walks of life for their trust, care, help and support, which have become a powerful driving force and source of strength for Rongsheng's rapid development. In the future, Rongsheng will definitely achieve greater achievements and live up to your trust and high expectations. Here, I would like to bow deeply and express my heartfelt gratitude, gratitude and gratitude.

Learn from history and build on the past. Ten years is a wonderful and fruitful history. This magnificent chapter has carved a deep mark on the long history. The journey has been thousands of miles, but the original intention is still as solid as rock. Ten years is a new starting point to carry forward the past and usher in the future. It is another glorious chapter and we still need to work together!

Looking to the future, we must anchor one overall goal - to unswervingly become a stronger, better and bigger enterprise. Ten years of development have proven that only innovation can continuously stimulate new momentum. In the process of achieving high-quality development,

First, we must establish a new development concept and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. We must fully implement the new development concept, while consolidating our advantageous areas, promote high-end, intelligent, and green new refractory materials, vigorously develop new green refractory products that are long-lasting, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly, and continuously improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise. , to achieve high-quality development of the group;

The second is to establish the concept of scientific and technological innovation and enhance technological innovation capabilities. We must take the research and development direction of high-efficiency, energy-saving, green and environmentally friendly new refractory materials and concentrate internal and external forces to tackle key core technologies. Continue to promote strategic cooperation with universities and well-known scientific research institutes, accelerate the transformation of new materials and new processes, optimize product structure, and continuously promote energy conservation, cost reduction, and efficiency improvement in new technologies, new processes, and new equipment;

The third is to establish safety red line awareness and build a green and environmentally friendly factory. Carefully coordinate the "two major events" of safety and development, strengthen responsibilities, and pay close attention to the implementation of production safety. At the same time, in the construction of new factories, green, energy-saving, low-carbon, and environmentally friendly new technologies, new facilities, and new materials must be used to promote the optimization of production structures, minimize resource consumption, reduce the generation and emission of pollutants, and comprehensively create a green factory;

The fourth is to establish a global perspective and accelerate the layout of overseas markets. Under the new dual-cycle development pattern, allocating global resources, promoting technological innovation, locking in the global supply chain, and building a global brand are the only way for us to transform and upgrade. In this process, cross-border cooperation, the establishment of branches, the expansion of overseas warehouses and the enhancement of brand effect will become our key strategies. I firmly believe that through the implementation of these strategies, we will be able to grow steadily in the global market and achieve a more brilliant future.

After many winds and rains, the will becomes stronger, and the road to Guanshan is still long. Standing at the new starting point of the group's tenth anniversary, we must continue to create greater value for customers, anchor our goals, maintain strategic focus, strengthen our responsibilities, be proactive, and work conscientiously and down-to-earth. , promote the better implementation of the group's decision-making and deployment, strive to create a new situation for the group's high-quality development, and open a new chapter and make further contributions to accelerating the creation of a globally trusted high-efficiency and energy-saving refractory material service provider!

Finally, I wish all leaders, guests, friends, all employees and their families good health and all the best!

The green mountains remain unchanged and the green water flows forever. Let’s meet at the top in the next ten years!
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